Why Waxing?

Waxing is a temporary depilation method. But waxing removes the roots, so hair takes 3 – 5 weeks longer to grow back than after shaving or using depilatory cream, and without stubbles. Depending on body area and hair type, you can go for that swim for 4 – 8 weeks without having to worry about body hair. And… after a wax the hair comes back softer and less abundant. As a bonus, the wax removes dead skin cells leaving your skin smooth and silky soft.
First the depiladora will disinfect your skin. Next she will apply a super thin layer of nutrient oil, so the wax doesn’t stick to your skin but to the hair only. Then, the depiladora will apply the wax with a wooden spatula (hygienically used once only, so no double dipping). When the wax has cooled down and hardened a bit she will tear it off in one fast and resolute gesture. Then she will soothe the skin with a lotion that also helps closing the hair follicles. And she may apply a cooling gel.
Hygiene is very important. So no double dipping the wooden spatula in the hot wax. And with our latex gloves we make sure that everything touching your body is clean and hygienic.
The waxes and products we use have a lovely scent and are of prime quality, guaranteeing a quick treatment with a perfect result.