Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions webshop The Waxing Company B.V.
Article 1: Definitions
In these conditions, the following definitions are used:
- Cooling-off period: the period within which the consumer can make use of his right of withdrawal;
- Consumer: the natural person who does not act in the exercise of profession or business and enters into a distance contract with The Waxing Company;
- Day: calendar day;
- Right of withdrawal: the possibility for the consumer to withdraw from the distance contract within the cooling-off period;
- Distant contract: an agreement whereby, within the scope of a system organized by The Waxing Company for distance selling of products and / or services, up to and including the conclusion of the agreement whereby one or more techniques for distant communication are used. ;
- Terms and Conditions: The General Terms and Conditions of The Waxing Company.
Article 2: Applicability
- These general terms and conditions apply to every offer of The Waxing Company B.V., with its registered office in Almere and registered in the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce under number 54003520, and on every distant contract and orders concluded between The Waxing Company B.V. (further: The Waxing Company) and consumer.
- Before the distance contract is concluded, the text of these general terms and conditions will be made available to the consumer.
- If one or more provisions in these general terms and conditions at any time in whole or in part are null and void or destroyed, then the agreement and these conditions remain intact and the stipulation in question will be replaced without delay by a provision which is the purport of the original approached as much as possible.
- Situations that are not regulated in these general terms and conditions must be assessed ‘in the spirit’ of these general terms and conditions.
- Lack of clarity about the explanation or content of one or more provisions of these terms and conditions should be explained ‘in the spirit’ of these general terms and conditions.
Article 3: The offer
- If an offer has a limited period of validity or is made subject to conditions, this will be explicitly stated in the offer.
- The offer is without obligation. The Waxing Company is entitled to change and adjust the offer.
- The offer contains a complete and accurate description of the offered products and / or services. The description is sufficiently detailed to allow a proper assessment of the offer by the consumer. If The Waxing Company uses images, these are a true reflection of the offered products and / or services. Obvious mistakes or obvious errors in the offer do not bind The Waxing Company.
- All images, specifications and data in the offer are indicative and can not lead to compensation or dissolution of the agreement.
- Each offer contains such information that it is clear to the consumer what rights and obligations are attached to the acceptance of the offer. This concerns in particular:
- the price including taxes;
- the possible costs of shipping;
- the method of payment, delivery and execution of the agreement;
- and the available sizes and colors.
Article 4: The agreement
- The agreement is concluded at the moment of acceptance by the consumer of the offer and the fulfillment of the corresponding conditions.
- If the consumer has accepted the offer electronically, The Waxing Company will immediately confirm electronically the receipt of the acceptance of the offer. As long as the receipt of this acceptance has not been confirmed by The Waxing Company, the consumer can dissolve the agreement.
- The Waxing Company will attach the following information in writing to the product or service:
- the correspondence address of The Waxing Company where the consumer can go with complaints;
- the conditions under which and the manner in which the consumer can exercise the right of withdrawal;
- the information about guarantees and existing service after purchase;
- Each agreement is entered into under the suspensive conditions of sufficient availability of the products concerned.
Article 5: Right of withdrawal
When delivering products:
- When purchasing products, the consumer has the option to terminate the contract without giving any reason within 14 days. This cooling-off period starts on the day after receipt of the product by the consumer or a representative appointed by the consumer in advance.
- During the reflection period, the consumer will handle the product and packaging carefully. He will only unpack or use the product to the extent that is necessary to assess whether he wishes to keep the product. If he makes use of his right of withdrawal, he will return the product with all accessories and – if reasonably possible – in the original condition and packaging to The Waxing Company, in accordance with the reasonable and clear instructions provided by The Waxing Company.
- If the consumer wishes to make use of his right of withdrawal, he is obliged to notify The Waxing Company of this within 14 days after receipt of the product. The consumer must do so by means of the model withdrawal form. After the consumer has made it known that he wishes to make use of his right of withdrawal, the customer must return the product within 14 days. The consumer must prove that the delivered goods have been returned on time, for example by means of a proof of shipment.
- If the customer has not made it known that he wishes to make use of his right of withdrawal or withdrawal after the expiry of the terms mentioned in paragraphs 2 and 3. the product has not been returned to The Waxing Company, the purchase is definite.
When delivering services:
- When providing services, the consumer has the option to dissolve the agreement without giving any reason for at least 14 days, starting on the day of entering into the agreement.
- When providing services, the consumer has the option to dissolve the agreement without giving any reason for at least 14 days, starting on the day of entering into the agreement.
Article 6: Costs in case of withdrawal
- If the consumer exercises his right of withdrawal, at most the costs of returning the goods are for the consumer.
- If the consumer has paid an amount, The Waxing Company will refund this amount as soon as possible but no later than 14 days after cancellation. However, the condition is that the product has already been received by The Waxing Company.
Article 7: The price
- The prices mentioned in the offer of products or services include VAT.
- All prices are subject to printing and typing errors. No liability is accepted for the consequences of printing and typing errors. In case of printing and typing errors, The Waxing Company is not obliged to deliver the product at the wrong price.
Article 8: Conformity and Guarantee
- The Waxing Company guarantees that the products and / or services comply with the agreement, the specifications stated in the offer, the reasonable requirements of soundness and / or usability and the legal provisions existing on the date of the conclusion of the agreement. / or government regulations.
- Any defects or incorrectly delivered products must be reported to The Waxing Company in writing within 14 days after delivery. Return of the products must be in the original packaging and in new condition.
- The warranty period of The Waxing Company corresponds to the factory warranty period. The Waxing Company is never responsible for the ultimate suitability of the products for each individual application by the consumer, nor for any advice regarding the use or application of the products.
- The guarantee does not apply if:
- The consumer has repaired the delivered products himself and / or processed or has third parties repaired and / or processed;
- The delivered products are exposed to abnormal conditions or otherwise carelessly handled or are in conflict with the instructions provided by The Waxing Company;
- The inadequacy wholly or partially is the result of regulations that the government has made or will make regarding the nature or the quality of the materials used.
Article 9: Delivery and execution
- The Waxing Company will take the greatest possible care when receiving and implementing orders for products and when assessing applications for the provision of services.
- The place of delivery is the address that the consumer has made known to The Waxing Company.
- With due observance of the provisions in paragraph 4 of this article, the company will execute accepted orders expeditiously but no later than 30 days, unless the consumer has agreed to a longer delivery period. If the delivery is delayed, or if an order can not or only partially be executed, the consumer will receive notification of this no later than 30 days after he has placed the order. In that case, the consumer has the right to terminate the contract without any costs. The consumer is not entitled to compensation.
- All delivery terms are indicative. The consumer can not derive any rights from any periods mentioned. Exceeding a term does not entitle the consumer to compensation.
- In case of dissolution in accordance with paragraph 3 of this article, The Waxing Company will refund the amount that the consumer has paid as soon as possible but no later than 14 days after termination.
- If delivery of an ordered product proves to be impossible, The Waxing Company will endeavor to make a replacement article available. At the latest at the time of delivery, it will be stated in a clear and comprehensible manner that a replacement item will be delivered. For replacement items right of withdrawal can not be excluded. The costs of a possible return shipment are in this case at the expense of The Waxing Company.
- The risk of damage and / or loss of products rests with The Waxing Company until the moment of delivery to the consumer or a pre-designated representative, unless expressly agreed otherwise.
Article 10: Payment
- Payment is made immediately upon acceptance of the offer and upon completion of the order.
- The Consumer has no other option to pay the payment than through the payment methods offered by The Waxing Company.
- The consumer has the duty to report inaccuracies in provided or stated payment details to The Waxing Company without delay.
Article 11: Complaints procedure
- Complaints about the execution of the agreement must be submitted fully and clearly described to The Waxing Company within 7 days after the consumer has discovered the defects.
- Complaints submitted to The Waxing Company will be answered within a period of 14 days from the date of receipt. If a complaint requires a foreseeable longer processing time, The Waxing Company will reply within the period of 14 days with a notice of receipt and an indication when the consumer can expect a more detailed answer.
- If the complaint can not be resolved by mutual agreement, a dispute arises that is susceptible to the dispute resolution.
- If a complaint is found to be well-founded by The Waxing Company, The Waxing Company will, at its option, replace or repair the delivered products free of charge.
Article 12: Disputes
- For agreements between The Waxing Company and the consumer to which these general terms and conditions apply, only Dutch law applies. Even if the consumer lives abroad.
- The Vienna Sales Convention does not apply.